Opinion Aug 3, 2012

National Night Out
needs participation

   Tuesday, Aug. 7, is National
Night Out. I am the captain for
my neighborhood. I can't get
anyone interested. Everyone is
too busy - or too afraid - to
get involved.
   This is our city. This is
the way things are right now.
Crime is way up. We need
to come together to help the
police. Times are tough on ev-
eryone. Maybe even you have
been a victim of crime.
   To be a part of Neighbor-
hood Watch, all you have to do
is observe, document, write
down license plate numbers,
call the Neighborhood Watch
captain or the nonemergency
   On National Night Out, all
we do is come out front and
meet neighbors. We have a
barbecue and just get to know
each other. That is all it takes.
It's good food, good neighbors
and a fun night for all.
   I know everyone is busy,
but one night a year is not too
much to ask to join your com-
munity and meet and greet
each other.

Joyce Alameda