The name of the organization will be the Concord Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA).


The purpose of the Concord Park Neighborhood Association is to:

A. Increase the feeling of security and concern among neighbors;

B. Inform residents about services and programs that can be helpful to them;

C. Educate the City of Concord about our community needs and concerns.


Membership in the Concord Park Neighborhood Association will be open to all nonresident owners of rental property, and residents found between the boundaries of Todd Avenue, Lynn Avenue, Cross Way, and to include 1290, 1320, 1340, and 1350 Detroit Avenue.


All members as described in Article III, who are 18 years of age or older, will have one vote each, to be cast in any election called by the Board of Directors as required in these by laws.


Section 1 General Membership Meeting

There will be between four(4) and twelve(12) general membership meetings annually. The Board will notify all members of CPNA of a General Membership meeting in writing.

Section 2 Special Meetings

The Chair of the Board may call a special meeting of the membership of Directors as deemed necessary. The Board will notify all members of CPNA of a special meeting in writing at least seven(7) days before the meeting date.

Section 3 Agenda

Subject to approval of the Board of Directors, the Chair will prepare the agenda for general and Special meetings of the membership. Any person may add an item to the agenda by submitting the item in writing to the Board of Directors at least seven (7) days before the membership meeting. A member of CPNA may make a motion to add an item to the Board, general or special agendas at those respective meetings. Adoption of that motion requires a second and majority vote.

Section 4 Quorum

A quorum for any general or special meeting of CPNA will be the number of members attending. Unless otherwise specified in these by laws, decisions of CPNA will be made by a majority vote of those members present at any meeting. A majority of the Board will also be required to be present at these meetings.

Section 5 Participation

Any general, special, Board or committee meeting is open to any person upon approval of the Board, and all who wish may be heard. However, only members of the CPNA are entitled to vote. All actions or recommendations of the general or special meetings will be communicated to all CPNA members.

Section 6 Attendance Records

An attendance sheet will be provided for attendees to sign at every Board, general, and special meeting. These records will be kept and maintained by the Secretary of the CPNA.

Section 7 Procedures

The CPNA will follow Robert's Rules of Order in all areas of procedure not covered by the by laws.


Section 1 Composition of the Board

The Board of Directors, herein referred to as the Board, will be composed of six (6) members: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and three (3) Area Representatives. All members of the Board will be members in good standing of the CPNA.

Section 2 Duties of the Board

A. Management: The Board will manage the affairs of the CPNA in the interim between general meetings. The Board will be accountable to the membership; will seek the views of those affected by any proposed policies or reactions before adopting any recommendations on behalf of the CPNA; and will strictly comply with these by laws.

B. Vacancies: The Board may fill any vacancy on the Board or committee by majority vote of the Board. The appointee will serve the remainder of the unexpired term until his/her successor is elected or appointed.

C. Absences: In cases where a Board or committee member has missed three (3) consecutive meetings, the Board has the right to consider the position vacant and fill the position with another member. The Board of Directors will notify members so replaced before the next Board or committee meeting that they would have expected that the member attended.

Section 3 Board Meetings

The Board will meet at any time the Chair or Board designates. Their meetings will be open sessions, however only Board members may vote. A quorum for Board meetings will be a majority of the membership of the Board. Decisions will be made by a majority of Board members present at a meeting, unless otherwise specified in these by laws. Board members will be notified, in writing or by telephone, no less than twenty-four (24) hours before each meeting. A majority of Board members, by signed petition may call a Board meeting or a general or special meeting of the membership.

Section 4 Terms of Office

A. All officers and other members of the Board of Directors will be elected for a one year term by the membership of the CPNA.

B. The term for all elected officials will officially begin on January 1 of the year for which they are elected and continue until December 31 of the year their term expires.

C. The tenure of any elected official in the same office will be limited to three (3) consecutive terms.

D. Officers whose terms will expire may run for another office or may serve in an advisory capacity for the term of one year if approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the new Board. Advisory Board members are not eligible to vote as Board members and may not be counted for purposed of determining a quorum.


Section 1 Chair

A. The Chair will be an Ambassador for CPNA and at no time will the Chair use this position to endorse his/her personal beliefs or opinions when in conflict with the positions of CPNA. The Chair will only act upon the direction of the majority of the Board.

B. The Chair will prepare the agenda and preside at all meetings of the Board or membership.

C. The Chair will sign all reports, documents and correspondence that may require his/her signature. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair or Secretary, in the order mentioned, can sign for the Chair.

D. The Chair will appoint members to all standing committees unless otherwise specified herein. The appointments must be ratified by the majority of the Board.

E. The Chair will act as Parliamentarian to assist the Board in the proper interpretation of the by laws and Robert's Rules of Order.

F. In the absence of the Secretary, the Chair will appoint another Board member to take minutes at the meeting at which the Secretary is absent.

Section 2 Vice-Chair

A. The Vice-Chair will be an Ambassador for CPNA and at no time will the Vice-Chair use this position to endorse his/her personal beliefs or opinions when in conflict with the positions of CPNA. The Vice-Chair will only act upon the direction of the majority of the Board.

B. In the absence of the Chair, or the vacancy of the office of Chair, the Vice-Chair will assume the duties of the Chair, and serve the remainder of the Chair's term, upon confirmation by a majority vote of the Board. Should he/she decline to remain as Chair, or fail to be confirmed in the office by the Board, the Vice-Chair will assume the duties of Chair only until the Board appoints a Chair.

C. The Vice-Chair will be responsible for maintaining an updated list of CPNA members.

D. The Vice-Chair will preside over all Board or general membership meetings that the Chair cannot attend.

E. The Vice-Chair will be responsible for keeping attendance records for Board meetings. Board members will contact the Vice-Chair if they cannot attend a Board or general membership meeting.

Section 3 Secretary

A. The Secretary will be an Ambassador for CPNA and at no time will the Secretary use this position to endorse his/her personal beliefs or opinions when in conflict with the positions of CPNA. The Secretary will only act upon the direction of the majority of the Board.

B. The Secretary will be responsible for taking minutes at every Board and general membership meeting. The Secretary will also be responsible for keeping those minutes, and related documents from the meetings, in a binder in chronological order. At the expiration of his/her term of office, the Secretary will deliver to his/her successor all minute books, correspondence and other property belonging to CPNA.

C. The Secretary will be responsible for giving the Board the minutes of the previous meeting for the Board's acceptance.

D. The Secretary will be responsible for handling all correspondence for the CPNA.

E. The Secretary will serve as Chair of the Nominations Committee and as such will be responsible for the conduct of all elections and for preparing all ballots for elections.

F. If the Chair and Vice-Chair are unable to attend a scheduled meeting, the Secretary will preside over that meeting.

Section 4 Area Representatives

A. The Area Representatives will be Ambassadors for CPNA and at no time will an Area Representative use this position to endorse his/her personal beliefs or opinions when in conflict with the positions of CPNA. The Area Representatives will only act upon the direction of the majority of the Board.

B. It will be the responsibility of the Area Representative to seek out new members and give them information regarding the Association.

C. Under the direction of the Board of Directors, the Area Representatives will be responsible for contacting the members in his/her area and, notifying them of any meetings and/or other important information.


The following standing committees will be instituted to be responsible for programs and activities of the CPNA of a standing nature. Members on the following committees will serve a one (1) year term and may be reappointed for additional terms at the pleasure of Board of Directors. Unless otherwise specified all committee members will be appointed by the Chair of the Board of Directors subject to the approval by a majority vote of the Board.

Section 1 Social and Recreation Committee

This committee will consist of one member of the Board and three (3) additional members of the association. This committee will be responsible for organizing and supervising all CPNA social and recreational activities. The committee will prepare a proposed calendar of activities and events for approval by the Board in Concord Park Neighborhood Association.

Section 2 Ad Hoc Committee

The Board will institute other committees as are considered necessary to transact the business of the association.


Section 1 Eligibility

Only members in good standing of the CPNA will be eligible to hold an elected position with the association. All members of the CPNA will be eligible to vote in any election for any office or issue.

Section 2 Election Date and Procedures

Elections for Board members, by law amendments, or other issues requiring the vote of the membership, will be held at a general meeting in December. The election will be conducted by secret ballot.

Section 3 Absentee Ballots

Members who cannot attend the meeting when the election will be held may be allowed to vote by absentee ballot up to seven (7) days before the date of the election. Absentee voting will take place in the presence of a member of a special Ad Hoc Committee who will collect the ballots and hold them for counting with the regular ballots.

Section 4 Majority Vote

Unless otherwise provided herein, Board members will be elected, and all other issues on the ballot will be decided, by a combined majority vote of those members casting valid ballots in the election.

Section 5 Recall of Board Members

The members of the CPNA may remove and replace any holder of an elected office only for conduct detrimental to the CPNA. To initiate a recall, a petition, clearly stating the conduct for which the Board member(s) is/are being recalled, will be submitted to the secretary, who will relay the petition to the Board. The petition must bear the valid signatures of twenty percent (20%) of the members of the CPNA. The Chair will then call a Special Meeting of the membership to vote on the recall. The meeting will take place within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the petition. The Board will notify members of the meeting and the recall elections no less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting. A member of the Board will be recalled upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members attending the special meeting. Upon the recall of a Board member, the remaining members will appoint another member of the CPNA to complete the unexpired term of the recalled member.


Section 1

A person or group adversely affected by a decision or policy of the CPNA may submit in writing a complaint to any member of the Board.

Section 2

Within seven (7) days of receipt of the complaint, the Board will arrange, with the complaintant, a mutually acceptable place, date and hour for a review of the complaint. The Board will attempt to resolve the complaint and will recommend, in writing, a resolution to the Board within thirty (30) days of the review. The committee will also distribute the report and recommendation to the association.


Section 1

Adoption of by laws: Adoption of these by laws will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a general or special meeting of the membership.

Section 2

Amendment of the by laws: the Board will refer amendments to the by laws to the general membership for a vote at the general membership meeting. The Board will notify the members that a by law amendment will be considered at the meeting and will provide members with the language of any proposed amendment. Adoption of amendments will require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the meeting.